East Baton Rouge County, Baton Rouge Rat Control Situation:
Good morning,I was just looking at your web site and I hope you can help. We have a wooden shed in our garden, and have found rat droppings inside. We put some poison down and they took it, happy days you say? Next day more fresh droppings so we put traps down with rasher in them, come back the next day bait is gone, they took bait without setting off the traps. So I set about adjusting the traps to make them more sensative and reset them I go out this morning and they have done it again bait gone and NO rat . Please help as this is causing no end of problems for us, many thanks Brian
David, Thanks for putting this awesome resource together. We've been fighting rats in our attic since we purchased our house a year ago. We've had three companies out - right now we have Terminix but they are just setting traps, glue boards, and bait around the house outside. We've done the fox urine thing as well. I've sealed every opening I can find, but they seem to still find a way in. Oddly, they seem to stay around the master bedroom/bath - we even hear them now under the bathtub, which is a recent development. Last year I put wire mesh screens clamped down on all vents leading up to the roof. I'm going to try calling Pest Tech as I need a complete solution. Thanks again for the informative resource.
Baton Rouge Rat Control Tip of The Week
How Can I Get Rid Of Rats Outside My House?
Having rats outside your house disturbing your peace is indeed a big deal. Apart from being a nuisance outside your house by creating burrows in your yard or lawn, it's just a matter of time before they find their way into your home. This simply means getting rid of the rats outside your house is as important as getting rid of those in your house.
Have you been looking for the best way to do this in order to keep your environment free from rats? Right here, we will be taking you through some of the most effective and humane ways to get rid of the rats outside your house.
1. Traps
The use of traps in getting rid of rats is a method many people are quite familiar with. To use this method, all you have to do is to buy a trap from a store, bait it, and set them around the places where the rats frequent the most. Before setting this trap, make sure your pets are locked up in a compartment or restricted from moving around your yard to avoid injuring your pets instead of the rats.
2. Smoke Bombs
If the rats have successfully created numerous burrows around your house, using smoke bombs is the best way to get rid of them. To use this particular removal method, all you have to do is release the smoke bombs into all of their burrows. It is very effective, but you need to avoid using it on burrows that are close to trees and other flammable structures in order to avoid fire hazards.
3. Use Dry Ice
This particular removal method is the best option if you are in an urban area. Dry ice is a solid that releases carbon dioxide when dropped into the burrows of rats. When the dry ice is released, the carbon dioxide anesthetizes the rats and kills them. This particular method is very quick and humane.