Franklin County, Columbus Rat Control Situation:
Thank you for all the extremely useful info on your site. I really appreciate your site and it is very informative. I was unable to find on your site a suggestion for my situation. I live in a day light basement. It's very nice, however there are rats between the upstairs floor of the house and my ceiling. My landlord spent 1600.00 with a company to seal off the house. Guess this did not work. I am starting to smell rat urine in the air. The upstairs reeks. Do you have a suggestion and is it harmful to be breathing this? I have an exterminator coming out to our home Monday. In the past couple of weeks we have been hearing and smelling offensive things. We found a few holes and then came the dropping under the stove and dishwasher and fridge. I am in full blown panic mode. Now I am worried about the cleanup of what's in the walls. I believe I read there is some type of "stuff" or bacteria that is safe and breaks down the feces? Is this true? Is there any way to ensure a sanitary home at this point?
Hi David, I live in a nice neighborhood [Columbus Ohio.] and solved my house rat problem [attic and crawl space just as you advise]. I have a motorhome stored by the side of my house and and had $1,700 worth of electrical wire damage 5 years ago. All damage was below the coach living quarters in wire runs which cross on top of fuel ,water, and sewage tanks. I have been able to isolate and close some of these spaces but not all. In addition the generator set box, room slide out space, and vented battery boxes do not lend themselves to isolation. I had one more instance of rat damage to wiring which I fixed myself 2 years ago. Anytime I see signs of rats I set multiple traps everywhere I can set them. I almost always catch one rat , never more. I have used have usd 8 trays of various repellants which I place at various previous rat sign locations. You list all of mine as useless and You are likely right. I could set traps permanently but they need to be checked , rebaited etc and at age 76 I'm getting damn tire of rolling around on a creeper under my motorhome with 1 1/2 ft of clearance to the house on the right side and 6" clearance to a fence on the left. Any suggestions ?
Columbus Rat Control Tip of The Week
Is Trapping Rats Legal?
When it comes to trapping rats, there has been a misconception for quite some time as many house owners think it is illegal. This is nothing but a myth, so if you are planning to get a trap to remove the rats in your home, you are legally allowed to do so.
Rats are one of the most destructive household pests. Being carriers of diseases and different types of disease-causing organisms, they contaminate the surface of your home and any of your food substances that they come in contact with. Also, these pests bring in highly inflammable materials into your home and rip off electrical cables that are capable of igniting a fire. All these clearly show how dangerous they are to you and your property and why you need to get rid of them as early as you can.
Apart from the need to get rid of this major household pest, the use of traps is the fastest and the best way to get rid of rats. Although, the use of glue traps has been labeled by PETA and The Humane Society as an inhumane way of trapping rats. With the exception of the inhumane aspect of glue traps, the use of traps is completely legal.
So if you are thinking of removing the rats in your home, you can go ahead and use a trap.