Montgomery County, Dayton Rat Control Situation:
Thanks for your excellent web page -- But here's the problem we are having: some sort of squirrelish-looking, rat-tailed tree rat variety has already taken over our attic en masse. I have no idea how they are getting in. They first appeared when we were removing large, dangerous trees from our yard. One attraction may have been the bird seed in our storage room, which they chewed open the bags and made a feast of it all around. They pitter-patter all night, literally re-arranging the attic and storage room -- and sounding as if they are trying to claw through the ceiling. The number of them is truly terrifying when I enter the storage room. They haven't gotten into our house yet -- they seem content with the remnants of seeds thus far. How do we get rid of them?
David, I found your page while searching for how to get rid of rats in the walls. We hear them crawling around the ceiling and walls. We have seen them in our garage which is honestly full of junk. Last night, I went out there and saw one for the first time and it ran over all kinds of stuff and disappeared into a small hole in the wall. I put an electric rat trap by the opening. I have gone to the attics and see a few droppings in one but nothing like I saw in the garage. I have no idea how to get these bastards out of my walls and ceilings. I have tried putting my cat out in the garage but he hasn't caught one yet. Any help you can offer is appreciated.
Hello David, I just bought a house and the second night I was sleeping, heard attic noises and am sure it was a rat or mice, scratching. I got so shook up I couldn't sleep all night. Is there someone you could recommend to help me? I live in Dayton OH. Thank you!
Hi David! Iam going crazy with this! I have something chewing and spitting out little bites from my mats I have in my basement. I have a daycare down there, I have an exterminator for mice and water bugs once a month. But there is gnawing at my mats! With no droppings. I know during the course of chewing there should be droppings. And there is quiet a few sections if knawing. I was wondering what it could be?? Please help me! Thank you!!!
Dayton Rat Control Tip of The Week
Steps To Make A Rat Trap
Catching a rat is a pretty easy job if you have the right tools. Without a doubt, rat traps are one of the oldest and simplest methods that could be used when catching these nasty rodents.
Homemade traps are very effective for catching rats, and making them is really simple. There are infinite options. Below, we will explain all the steps to make a rat trap.
But before doing that, here are some points that you should take into account:- Evaluate your materials: depending on the materials you have, you can make different types of traps. This time, we will make a homemade trap whose main materials are a plastic bottle, newspaper, cardboard, and rat glue.
- Define specific points: there are places in your home that can be very attractive to rats, especially those that provide food or shelter: the kitchen, dining room, or holes in the walls.
- Building the trap is really simple: you can cover the surface on which you will place the trap with newspaper, and you can place a piece of cardboard on which you will put rat glue, leaving a space in the middle to place the bait, -which could be a piece of cheese-. This bait will attract the rat and it will get stuck.
Sounds pretty easy, right? But...
What Happens If The Rat Evades Your Traps?
You may be dealing with a rat that has learned to survive in the most dangerous environments, so they will completely avoid all those things that could be a threat. In this case, you must add poison to the list of materials.
If you use the same technique, it is likely the rats will evade it again. So change the strategy; you can keep the traps with rat glue but poison the food this time.
It is important to note that poisons may have a delay in taking effect, so it is important to locate the rat after it ingested the poison. If not, it might die in places that are difficult to access.