Eugene Rat Removal and Rodent Control

The best rat removal company in Eugene, OR is Attic Rat, Inc. This is because Attic Rat is not a traditional pest control company or exterminator. They are an animal removal company that specializes in rodent control. Rats and mice are not like insects, but most Eugene pest control companies treat rodents like insects - they use poison. Poison is a stupid and even harmful way to treat a rodent infestation. Poison will never kill all the rats, and the process is never-ending, with never ending invoices. Attic Rat does rat removal the correct way, with PERMANENT results in as little as a week. Once you hire them, you'll never have to see them again. See their year 2021 prices below. This is the process:

  1. Inspection of the entire house, in the attic and top to bottom, including roof
  2. Identification of all rat entry holes, and sealing them shut with steel repairs
  3. Trapping and removal of 100% of the rats inside the home or building
  4. Cleanup of rat feces and odor, and repair of rat damage such as chewed wires


Location: Eugene, OR

Phone: 541-255-2308



Lane County OR has a documented rodent problem, which is not uncommon in many parts of Oregon. If you need to get rid of rats in the attic or a building in Eugene, you want a wildlife control specialist to do the rodent removal work correctly. Call Attic Rat at 541-255-2308, and describe your rat or mouse issue, and they will be able to give you a quote and schedule a same-day or next day inspection to solve the problem.

  • Fully Oregon licensed and insured
  • Professional Service
  • Competitively Priced
  • Same-day or next-day service
  • We answer our phone 24/7/365
Check our year 2020 prices in Eugene

Our Prices:

Small Job: $249 + This is a simple job on a small house in good condition and not too many rats, with only 2-3 service visits necessary and minimal cleanup

Medium Job: $499+ This job is a larger house, with more repairs, more rats, more service visits, more cleanup necessary

Large Job: $1000+ Some jobs are extensive, and require significant repairs to the building, many service visits, extensive cleanup work, etc.

Attic Rat Cost

Lane County, Eugene Rat Control Situation:

Please help us! We have a rat problem at our house that has been ongoing now for years. We have killed several large rats with snap traps and set out boxes upon boxes of bait! I am at my wits end and want to burn the house down. As I type this message I am listening to one scratch in the wall, and I believe I can hear another in the ceiling above me. I had an exterminator come over today and he believes I have 2 large burrows, one under my garage and one under my shed, he feels that they may be gaining assess through the sump pump hole in my basement??? Is that possible? He set out a bunch of poison.... which I understand is a no no. We have two attics in our house and neither have interior entrance points, so it is impossible to set traps in the attic. I live in Eugene OR to be specific, do you know any rat experts in my area that you can direct me to?? I am at a point where I don't want to be in this house!

I have located the hole that it has chewed through insulation. I have an electric trap that is baited with peanut butter. I hear the darn things in the wall. Never had this problem. I am putting glue traps down tomorrow. Any other ideas? I was wondering if you could recommend a professional to get rid of rats in our attic. Somebody that will do what you mention in your awesome website ..such as Finding and sealing Entry points, guarantees removal and not coming back of rats etc. I live in Oregon thanks a lot.

Eugene Rat Control Tip of The Week

What Equipment Do I Need To Trap A Rat?
Trapping a rat is not as difficult as it seems, provided you have the right kind of equipment. Rats are a highly intelligent household pest with prior knowledge of your unyielding intentions to either get them killed or captured. As a result of this, they will try as much as possible to run for their lives whenever they get the chance to.
For you to outsmart them and make your plans to trap them successfully, you need good quality traps set up at the spot the rats in your house pass through the most and the right process of setting these traps.
Have you decided to trap the rats in your home and you are looking for the equipment to use and the right way to go about this? The first thing you have to do to achieve your objective is to discover the exact routes of the rats in your house. These are the places you will be setting your traps once you are ready to capture them.
After that, the next thing you have to put in place is the right kind for bait. A good bait should help attract rats and not any other pest or animal in your home. If you just chose a random food substance as bait, you might end up trapping the pets in your home instead of the target pest.
After putting all of that in place, the most important piece of equipment you need to trap a rat is a good quality trap. Your choice of trap depends on whether you want to kill the rats with the trap or just trap them and later release them far away from your home.
If you choose to kill them directly with the trap, a lethal rat trap will be most appropriate. The only issue with the use of this trap is that you will have to get multiple traps and set them at different locations because this kind of trap can't trap more than one rat at a time.
On the other hand, if you choose to trap the rats and release them afterward, a one-way entry door trap will also be most appropriate. Also, while setting up either of these traps, you need to protect yourself at all times from the bacteria spread by the rats by wearing a pair of gloves and a protective mask.