Bergen County, Hackensack Rat Control Situation:
Hi David, I came across your site today. I am so glad I found you. I have a mouse problem...Well more like an invasion. There are so many of them...Constantly... Everything you said about mice and pest control companies is TRUE.. The pest control companies are not saying any of the things you are saying... In fact, when contacted they are laughing at the idea you mentioned of sealing entry ways.....I am at my wits end as it seems no one does what you mentioned on your site (sealing the areas etc). They want to stuff areas with brillo pads and put down the poison pellets. I have figured out some of the entry ways, that the mice are using to get into the house. The radiators are one way.. However I am sure there are several more. I want these mice gone for good.. Just can't live with them anymore! There are spaces near the radiator pipe and they squeeze through them. I am in Bergen County New Jersey, and I looked at your list of companies in my state. Do these companies do mice? Or do they just do wildlife like squirrels, bats etc? I was not sure when I read their descriptions if they did house mice. I also have an infestation of water bugs (yuck!) so I need someone for both. Do you think those companies you listed can help me? Which one do you think would be best for me to call? I wish you worked in New York. I really do...The pest control companies here just do not mention the things you mention, on your site...Talk to you soon. Regards, Anjene
Hi David, Live in Hackensack Nj and I have dealt with mice problems I'm my attic three times in previous years I have done it professionally which all he did was put down poised and told me to find the holes outside. This cost big bucks. Came back following year. Same thing. I've chalked and check foundation and im tired of spending hundreds of dollars. Any suggestions? Any pros who get rid of the problem and also check the foundation? Help. This freaks me out.
Hackensack Rat Control Tip of The Week
Should I Remove Rats Myself, Or Hire A Pro?
Disposing of rats is something you need to do, however the question is how you can achieve this. You can do this without the help of anybody; however, some would want to employ an expert. So which is the most ideal route to choose?
Let's take a look at the things to consider.
If you are certain that it is only one rat, then there is just one reason to hire an expert unless the rat appears to be sick. If you can't tell if the rat is sick, there are signs to check for and you should get familiar with these. Otherwise, it is just an issue of getting a trap, setting it up, and trusting that the rat will get captured.
There are traps that permit you to kill the rat right away and there are those that will basically trap the rat alive. If you select the ones that kill the rat, when it is dead, just toss it out and your problem is solved. However, if you decide to catch it live, take it to an area where it can't go back into your home and let it go. Ensure you wear gloves when dealing with the rat, regardless of which trap you pick.
If you find that there is more than one rat in your home, then it might be an ideal option to hire an expert. You might not have the necessary skills, time, and expertise to catch multiple rats. Rats are creatures that like to live in huge groups, so you will find that there can be thousands living in one area.
If you notice a spot in your home where they are living, then it is a smart thought to get an expert to come and take care of them. They won't just end the rat infestation in your home, but will likewise dispose of the vermin. This will keep you from having to deal with the problem at all.