Ingham County, Lansing Rat Control Situation:
I was reading your site and I am trying to find a good way to keep the pack Rats out of the engine compartment of my car. I live in the Southern part of Lansing MI and it is mostly forest. I have a carport so it is open. I have to clean out a nest in my car about every two months because of a nest. I have used the traps in the common areas and have caught about 50 rats during the summer. My question to you after reading your article is the best way for me to take care of this is put a trap under the car, I have a live trap along one wall as well as one of the Victor traps. Hope you can help.
Morning David, Am I glad to check your website!! I have a rat problem in our house. These are not just rats, theyr intellects !! Trust me !! They first started with the kitchen lower cupboard, we cleared all food items from there and now they cruise around in the living room. We have set traps, blocked all holes that may be a source of entrance, we even used poison.. one night, we set the poison under the cupboard in one of the bed rooms as my husband saw a mouse run under it. In the morning both the poison tablets were away from the cupboard as if they were trying to say" Thanks but no thanks!!" They eat away the peanut butter from traps and still survive.. I'm really sick of them and the smell is even worse... using rat exterminators is expensive and we are trying to get rid of them ourselves.. the traps we have used are the old fashioned wooden traps, those plastic type boxes, and a few other similar ones, Poison as well.. nothing works.. Need your advice ASAP
Lansing Rat Control Tip of The Week
What To Do If A Rat Bites You
Recognize A Rat Bite:
They are usually a small and single puncture wound with the chance for a small number of cuts. They also bleed and can cause painful swelling. If the bite gets infected, you may also start to see the signs of pus.
Recognizing Rat-bite Fever:
Rat-bite fever can include joint pain, fever and chills, muscle pain, vomiting, headaches, and more. These can be common in people of many ages so if your children get bit or another family member is bit, you will need to recognize these signs as well.
Rat Bites And Treatment:
If you have received a rat bite, there's an easy treatment option such as washing the area with warm water and soap. Drying your area with a clean towel and using antibiotic ointment can be important as well. Then, cover the area with a clean bandage. Even if the bite you have seems minor, you will need to see a doctor as soon as you can to get a tetanus shot. A rat bite can give you an increased chance of developing tetanus.
Treatment Period:
You will need to treat the area for 7-10 days with antibiotics to make sure that you do not develop an infection. Taking an antibiotic for this amount of time will make sure that the infection will have a lesser chance to develop and cause you ongoing symptoms or issues.
If You Are Infected:
Go to a doctor and take a full course of antibiotics as prescribed. If you do not finish your medication, you could be putting yourself at risk and this can lead to ongoing problems even after you have received your first few rounds.