Pulaski County, Little Rock Rat Control Situation:
David - Trying to rid the rats from house and attic. Caught 6 so far and I think I may be getting to the end. Ive blocked everything I could see on roof but can they scale a stucco chimney and get in that way even know there is a screen there? Ive been putting a piece of peanut on the victor traps is that the best bait? If I dont catch one in a while when is it safe to say we got em all ?Thanx Stephen
My response: Yup, peanut butter is good bait, you know they're gone when the noises stop.
Hi, I have a shop that I am going to try to seal up the small entrances the rats are using. My question is can I use plastic gloves only to pick up tools etc that the droppings are on, how do I clean the tools and what are the dangers of the droppings to me? Thank you sir.
Latex gloves are fine. Not much danger, just rinse off the tools with water, and wash your hands afterward.
Hi David I was looking on your website and I hired a professional to take care of my roof rat problem in Little Rock AR, and I was just reading on some of the things that you mentioned about getting rid of roof rats. I have watched and talked to the professional that inspected my house however, after he sealed, set the traps and inspected the whole house we haven't caught any rats but one prior to it being sealed. It has been about four nights from when the house has been sealed and still no rats that has been trapped in the traps that he set up. I still here walking from room to room it's not as much that my tenant and I hear. I need you to please refer me to someone that you know that can take care of my problem. I can't sleep in my house I shake every time I open my door. I'm crying every day to solve this problem. I feel like I'm losing my mind and I don't know what to do anymore. Please can you can help me please. I'm located in Hollywood, fl by my email. CAN YOU CONTACT ME AS SOON AS POSSIBLE EITHER BY MY EMAIL OR PHONE NUMBER I NEED HELP PLEASE! MY NAME IS CECE. Thank You David.
Little Rock Rat Control Tip of The Week
Why Using Poison Causes Dead Rats In The House
Unintended Victims:
Using poison can be quite risky as you could put your pets as well as young children at risk. If you're laying down rat poison throughout your home, it's possible that it could easily become targeted by toddlers who might be attracted to the small size and colors. Your pets could also be taking an unplanned trip to the hospital if they happen to ingest any of the rat poison as well.
It's Harmful To The Environment:
Using rat poison not only causes dead rats in the house but it's also harmful to the environment. You could end up with a predator in your home that's scavenging off of the dead rats, it could kill off some of the plant life in your area and it can lead to the chance that you might end up with other animals falling victim to the rat poison as well. Many homeowners have woken up to find a bobcat, fox, or coyote killed in their backyard from ingesting a rat that ate poison or from ingesting the poison themselves.
It Also Doesn't Solve The Problem:
Rats are finicky creatures and you might end up with just a few of them dead in the house before they communicate with one another and begin to avoid the areas where you place down poison and traps. Rather than facing ongoing difficulty with poisons and not getting all of the rats out of your home, choosing a different method could be a wise choice for making improvements for the future.
It's Often Time-consuming:
You might end up having to change out the poison or change your trap location on a regular basis just to capture a few rats. This can often be more time-consuming for you and your family.