Cobb County, Marietta Rat Control Situation:
Hello David, I just happened upon your website and found it to be the most informative site of any I've seen regarding rat infestation. Everything you said makes sense to me. My problem involves rats in my crawl space (under my house) over that past 5 years. It continues to be an absolute nightmare. In 2008, they did so much damage that it was necessary to do a complete restoration ($3,500) and since then, I've had no insulation under my house for fear that they will start nesting in it again. For over two years now, it's been a constant problem and no one has been able to get it under control. I'm on a regular maintenance program with a pest control company (Alpha Ecological) and they told me I have the worst infestation of any customer they've ever dealt with! It seems the rats are mostly burrowing in from a distance and coming up under the vapor barrier. (I have an adjoining neighbor who's backyard is a mess and my pest control guy found evidence of rat holes and bird feeders, but the neighbor is doing nothing to combat the situation because he said he's never seen a rat.) There is a bait station in my crawl space now, and it sounds like that should be removed. I also have three traps set up down there. But I'm wondering if I need to take more drastic measures like cementing the crawl space which would cost a fortune, and I'm not sure how effective that would be? It's so depressing, my real estate person won't even list my house until this problem is resolved. I don't really want to move, but am so depressed over hearing the relentless activity, it's makin' me crazy. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. I left a message with the wildlife person in my area that was listed on your site. (Alpharetta GA/Cobb County) Thanks so much for your time and offering your knowledge!
Marietta Rat Control Tip of The Week
Why Glue Traps Are An Inhumane Option For Rats
Glue Traps Won't Kill An Animal:
A glue trap will not humanely kill an animal; the glue is not toxic in any way. A glue trap merely traps the animal in one place and ensures that over the course of several days the animals will die of dehydration, starvation, or eventually suffocation. Many animals end up removing their own skin and fur to get away. Some rats will even take off some of their limbs trying to get free and can be successful in doing so with glue traps.
They Can Be Harmful To Your Pets:
Getting a pet stuck in a glue trap can be just as damaging. If your pet happens to stumble across one of these traps they could end up with it stuck to their fur and the need for shaving or immediate medical care.
They Lead To Harmful Smells In Your Home:
Because the animal will likely die of suffocation this can often lead to the glue trap starting to smell depending on the area of your home that it is in. Rather than having harmful odors throughout your home, it would be wise for you to consider a different option that is much faster for killing a rat.
They Don't Remove The Problem:
Glue traps don't target nests and they don't take away the chance that rats could continue to breed and increase their numbers. Choosing a different type of trap could be a better option for targeting parents that can breed in the area.
They Don't Seal Up Other Areas Where Rats Could Get In:
A glue trap is a temporary solution and it will only work on the rats that you have inside your home. If rats find a different area to get into or they are able to burrow deeper, the glue trap will not stop them.
Rats Are Quite Intelligent:
If you have a glue trap that's in a regular spot, rats may soon start to avoid it over time. No matter how tempting the glue bait may seem, a rat may actively avoid a trap after it's been in an area for some time.