Shelby County, Memphis Rat Control Situation:
Hello, I have read your website thoroughly, and I have to say i am impressed. I firmly believe your method of sealing all entries and exits is the best way to go. My question is regarding sealing all entries with sheet metal. I was wondering if insulated foam in a can is effective as well? Obviously they can chew on it, but do you think they would chew ALL the way through it? Im only considering the foam because using sheet metal in the attic would be extremely time consuming and difficult to install in certain areas. Thanks. Any advice is greatly appreciated
Hello. Found your site on web. Great info! Got rats in attic. Put out big victor rat snap traps. Catching rats nightly. However, many times the trap is sprung but no rat. Also, last week I caught a small rat and decided to dispose of it next morning. When I went back into attic the next morning, the dead rat was gone... This is spooky as I think something is taking the dead rats out of the traps during the night. (Traps will be sprung, and moved a few feet away from original placement site). We have a cat, but don't think he's getting up there. Do rats eat dead rats? Or maybe the rats are too big to be caught by the Victor snap traps? Any help or insight appreciated. I live in an affluent suburb east of Memphis.
Hi, my name is Bianca i will like to know how much will you charge to kill all these living rats or mice in my house. There really such a disturbance especially because i am pregnant and i want a clean eenvironment for my child.. can u please give me a reply back i will be glad. How can I get rid of mice in my house? I have mice droppings everywhere - I've set traps with cheese - the cheese disappears - no mice in trap. Looking forward to your response. Thank you.
Memphis Rat Control Tip of The Week
What Surfaces Are Rats Able To Climb?
Discovering rodents on your rooftop or in your attic may surprise you. These are places that are, to some degree, difficult to reach and require some uncommon climbing capacity. For rodents, however, that isn't that difficult to manage. Rats are astonishing climbers. They can climb anything. If there is something to hold on to, they can climb it. To get to food and water and their home, they will climb anything. From trees to blocks to stone, they will climb it. This implies they can get into pretty much anything. It doesn't make a difference if it is an opening at base level or in the rooftop, they can get to it.
Extraordinary Climbers
Most rodents are good climbers. Squirrels, mice, rats, and other rodents can climb pretty much anything. It is of nothing unexpected to individuals who see them frequently; however, the degree of their climbing capacity despite everything is surprising to a few. Climbing trees, plants, and anything with a good foothold is no problem. They can snatch on and climb any of that to get to where they need to go. A lot of people expect this as they see it often in rodents like squirrels.
What It Means For You
It is impressive, however, it tends to be a real torment for homeowners. Since rodents are astounding climbers, they can get into any place. If there is an opening anyplace in your home, rodents can arrive at it. They get into these openings and make their homes in a matter of moments, causing chaos. This is why extra care is required when it comes to sealing any potential holes. Since rodents can fit through even tiny spaces, you want to limit their options.