Milwaukee County, Milwaukee Rat Control Situation:
We live in a middle row home in Milwaukee WI. The homes on both sides of us are empty. One since 2007, and the other last year. My yard is bordered to an old factory that up until last year was also empty for a loooong time. To top it off the empty grass lot that bordered the propertys has recently been turned into a 'community' garden by the local non demonational religous group. We got our home last year in the fall. This summer we put up a small garden box. We keep our yard very clean, have our garbage in sealed cans, and don't leave our dog's ( jack fussier/pug mix) water dish filled unless we are out with him. Needless to say we are extreemly carefull. The only thing we do have is bird feeders. We have a family of cardinals that live in our lilac tree. Well yesterday when I let our dog out I noticed a hole from under our garden box. Naturally I thought it was from one of our local chipmunks that run from the community gardens wall across the yards. I filled it back up thought nothing of it and went on my way. This morning when I went to let our dog out I almost died !!! To my absloute horror there was a full grown RAT running around my yard and back down the hole. I go on the porch and it sticks its head out the hole and watches me as I get a huge shovel to fill the hole with steel mesh rocks and dirt. Needless to say I'm freeked out at the fact of:: 1. There are rats....where there is one you know there are more 2. It was out during the day 3. It wasn't afraid....hell it was almost following me like a dog to see what I was doing !!! I don't want me or my animals injured. Yes I have cats also (main coon/osicats larger than my dog who stay indoors) I have delt with rats when I lived in NYC.....sewer rats in the streets, not in my home. They were aggressive , I wached them kill a puppy. We killed them.I know how to keep them out of a house, how to protect the garbage cans, but with this I'm at a loss. What can I do to keep them out of my yard ???
Milwaukee Rat Control Tip of The Week
How Do Wildlife Rehabilitators Deal With Rats?
Even though rats do cause a nuisance in homes, they also need to be treated humanely when indisposed. In a situation where you find a stray and injured rat in your home, the best thing you can do is to contact a wildlife rehabilitator to help evacuate the rat immediately. While waiting for the rehabilitator, you need to avoid any physical contact with the animal, as rats are often carriers of different kinds of pathogens and diseases.
Wildlife rehabilitators are licensed professionals that help to evacuate animals from people's home, treat them if they have health issues, and release them back into the wild. Unlike other animals, wildlife rehabilitators handle rats specially.
Since stray rats do find it very difficult to survive on their own if relocated into the wild immediately, the first thing wild rehabilitators do is to nurture the rats for days or weeks to ensure that they are in good health. To do this, the rats are introduced into a box filled with woodland debris to make them feel comfortable and are properly fed with good food. This nurturing process continues until the rats can survive on their own without the help of anyone.
After successfully nurturing them, the wildlife rehabilitator can then go ahead and release the rat back into the wild. The release of the rat into the wild is not just done indiscriminately. Wildlife rehabilitators look for areas with a possible place of shelter for the rat with an abundant source of food.
Wildlife rehabilitators make sure evacuated rats stand a chance of living. Therefore, don't hesitate to contact a wildlife rehabilitator if you have stray, injured rats in your home.