Myrtle Beach Rat Removal and Rodent Control

The best rat removal company in Myrtle Beach, SC is Attic Rat, Inc. This is because Attic Rat is not a traditional pest control company or exterminator. They are an animal removal company that specializes in rodent control. Rats and mice are not like insects, but most Myrtle Beach pest control companies treat rodents like insects - they use poison. Poison is a stupid and even harmful way to treat a rodent infestation. Poison will never kill all the rats, and the process is never-ending, with never ending invoices. Attic Rat does rat removal the correct way, with PERMANENT results in as little as a week. Once you hire them, you'll never have to see them again. See their year 2021 prices below. This is the process:

  1. Inspection of the entire house, in the attic and top to bottom, including roof
  2. Identification of all rat entry holes, and sealing them shut with steel repairs
  3. Trapping and removal of 100% of the rats inside the home or building
  4. Cleanup of rat feces and odor, and repair of rat damage such as chewed wires


Location: Myrtle Beach, SC

Phone: 803-832-2495



Horry County SC has a documented rodent problem, which is not uncommon in many parts of South Carolina. If you need to get rid of rats in the attic or a building in Myrtle Beach, you want a wildlife control specialist to do the rodent removal work correctly. Call Attic Rat at 803-832-2495, and describe your rat or mouse issue, and they will be able to give you a quote and schedule a same-day or next day inspection to solve the problem.

  • Fully South Carolina licensed and insured
  • Professional Service
  • Competitively Priced
  • Same-day or next-day service
  • We answer our phone 24/7/365
Check our year 2020 prices in Myrtle Beach

Our Prices:

Small Job: $249 + This is a simple job on a small house in good condition and not too many rats, with only 2-3 service visits necessary and minimal cleanup

Medium Job: $499+ This job is a larger house, with more repairs, more rats, more service visits, more cleanup necessary

Large Job: $1000+ Some jobs are extensive, and require significant repairs to the building, many service visits, extensive cleanup work, etc.

Attic Rat Cost

Horry County, Myrtle Beach Rat Control Situation:

Hi i live in a building in 4th floor, these days have been raining a lot and I saw a rat walking on my window, I was so afraid that it get into my home. These annoyed rats only way to get in my home is the window, I can't seal it! I will suffocate, can u please advise me how can I keep them away. Or is it because outside is raining a lot so it want to come in my home. And do they make cans of that stuff that you fog with? Do I need to get a fog machine? I'm not even sure what a fog machine is. Something that you would use at a party to make fog?

I found your page about rats traped in the wall. for exactly a week now we have a rat (I assume cause it is loud) or mouse trapped in the bedroom wall. It is always up at night scratching the wall inside the same wall. We currently rent our house and they sent pest control. All they did is set up traps around the house and in the attic. They said that there are tunnels going through that wall but it is really hard to see or get to it ?! I asked them if they can throw poison down those tunnels but i dont think they did. They said that they will not cut a whole in the wall especially because it is not a drywall (it is the house wall) and that it has to die like that. I am so terrified and cant sleep here anymore. I am afraid of them chewing through the wall while im asleep. What do you suggest I should do? How long does it take for them to die or chew through the wall? HELP!

Hello David, My name is Melissa and I manage a 34 unit elderly complex in Myrtle Beach SC. My problem is mice, maybe even something bigger? My units are in 4 buildings with each unit back to back, 1st building has 6 units, 2nd 8, 3rd 12 and 4th 8. My problem is they are in between the walls of the units, my tenants can hear them scratching at night, I do not want to put poison out for fear of the smell that would surely follow that plan. So, my question is what can I do? Some of my tenants have actually caught some mice in traps in the apartments. 6 total. Any advice would greatly be appreciated.

Myrtle Beach Rat Control Tip of The Week

Can Rats Make Chirping Noises?
Rats are nocturnal animals; they avoid brightly lit places at all costs and prefer damp, dark places out of sight. But because of their great agility and incredible dexterity, they can fit into any place and their presence will be almost imperceptible, due to the low sound frequency they emit.

Rats Communicate
Although they obviously cannot talk, rats have the ability to communicate through pheromones, which are chemical substances secreted by living beings; they use these to warn other rats about any danger. Also, they use vocalizations (almost imperceptible sounds), to associate with pain, discomfort, or uneasiness.
They have other sounds in a higher ultrasonic frequency to identify well-being. It is said that there are specific interactions using a shriek; sexual activities, communication between mother and pup, or situations where the aggressiveness of other rats can be identified.

So Are Rats' Sounds Really Imperceptible?
Their sound is almost imperceptible to the human ear, but among them, this form of communication is very powerful. Their senses of smell, touch, and hearing are highly developed and this is what allows them to walk so boldly through the night.
But if we pay attention and are close enough, we can perhaps hear their gnawing, prowling, and even fighting movements. Just keep in mind that if you are close enough to perceive their screeching, it is because the rat feels in danger and these animals, unlike mice, can attack!

Can This Squeak Affect The Human Ear?
These sounds could not affect in any way your ear; but it may affect our well-being, as their sound can attract more and more rats over time, and this can become a real headache.
Surely you don't want to have a family of rats hanging around your house, your kitchen, or your restaurant. The best thing to do is get rid of rats as soon as you realize they are present in your property.