Passaic County, Paterson Rat Control Situation:
I've been searching the web to find a way to get rid of mice that's been running around the house for past couple of weeks. I never thought of a situation where I would actually face a mouse in my living room! I saw it coming from the kitchen so I bought bunch of snap traps that's covered and placed it along the walls but it did not work at all. I bought glue traps and placed it along the walls and under the washer/dryer areas but that didn' t work as well. it left 2 dropping on the countertop and 3 droppings near the fridge this morning. It looks like it knows where all the traps are! it usually comes out from the kitchen area to the living room but it couldn't last night because I placed the glue traps on the kitchen entrance. I have 2 kids so I'm extremely worried about any diseases those things might carry. Can you please suggest any solution that might actually work?
I work for a return center (warehouse) and I saw your site. We are trying to get rid of a mouse problem. We have many pallets of food here. We understand that there may be a few, but we have lots of them right now and customers complaining about their product coming back chewed up. We have glue strips around the facility and traps as well that are maintenanced by the pest control. We have created a "quarantine" built with wood and metal sheeting around our good product to try and keep the mice out and they still get in. We cannot use poison because we have food here.... any thoughts you may have would be appreciated. We are pretty sure that the mice are coming off of inbound trailers. Is there anything we can do before we unload the truck to remove the mice?
Paterson Rat Control Tip of The Week
Why Are Mothballs And Ammonia Ineffective At Repelling Rats?
When it comes to repelling rats, the use of mothballs and ammonia are quite common, as many people consider using them to help keep rats away from their home. Despite how common these repellents are, their effectiveness is still questioned.
Mothballs and ammonia emit a strong smell that is believed to help repel rats by making them feel irritated, with the hope that the effects of the smell will make them lose interest in staying in a particular place and keep them away. The fact is, this might seem effective at the onset. But within a short time, these repellents lose their effectiveness and will no longer be able to repel rats.
Rats are covetous. When they see a need to stay around your home because there is abundant availability of food, they will ignore the effects of these repellents and continue with their activities. This simply means that if you choose to buy either mothballs or ammonia to repel the rats in your home, provided they see a greater need to stay, you will only be wasting your time because neither of the two repellents will help you in making your home rat-free.
Instead of using any of these repellents to help keep rats away from your home, you can focus more on making your home rat-proof. To do this, all you have to do is fix all the cracks and holes in your house which could serve as an entry point, get a very agile cat to help hunt them, and also keep your house and surroundings clean by removing trash. These are better ways to repel rats when compared with the use of mothballs and ammonia.