Allegheny County, Pittsburgh Rat Control Situation:
Hello David, Thanks for a comprehensive excellent web site. My cat passed away a while ago and the rats moved in ! Never had a Rodent problem in the 18 years previously. Always had cats though. I am from Western Pittsburgh and my house is a 1950's open eves with that blow in insulation that's about 25years old. I have done my best to wire up all holes but a few still exist . Aside from boarding up the whole eve all way round which then restricts airflow in our hot summer. I have laid 15 traps to start with, a few small and a few large. Baited with peanut butter and pressed the peanut butter onto the tab so it's not just resting on there. I got 1. Now whatever is up there is licking of the peanut butter of the large and small traps ! Damm varments. I have set all traps rights to the edge off the lever. On firm surfaces like the rafters. Maybe it's the quality of the trap ? I may have to order some of your victor traps from the U.S. So my recent rebaiting happened yesterday and I checked today, yep a couple with half the peanut butter licked off. It's the fancy organic smooth peanut butter too. Appreciate any suggestion's David, apart from getting another Cat.
David,Can you provide me with a telephone number of someone who actually can properly seal a home and clean an attic for rats in Pittsburgh PA? No one so far has sealed my home. They charge me to seal it but then the rats still come in. Thanks. I need your advise hoe to get rid of the small rat in my flat. ..just saw few days ago. everyone at home are afraid of it. We are must get rid of it...pls advice..
I'm writing to get some insight on how to get rid of mice in my wall. They may be coming in through the weeping holes outside of my house. We have put fiber glass wire in the holes after we though they were gone, but I still smell their poop after they have finished.
Pittsburgh Rat Control Tip of The Week
Why Do Pest Control Companies Do A Bad Job With Poisons When It Comes To Removing Rats?
Aside from not being able to get all the rats, there are many reasons why we don't feel satisfied when a pest control company uses poison in removing rats. At times, things end up worse than they were, with other issues coming up. Using poison on rats brings about more jobs for you as a homeowner.
Think of the poisoned rats that die in the open - what happened to them? The poisons used by pest control companies lead to massive internal bleeding. The affected rodents often end up bleeding out and dying anywhere the poison takes full effect. Imagine getting rid of the rat, and later having to deal with a bloody rat lying on your kitchen counter or your carpet?
This makes you feel like the pest control company has done an incomplete job. You will be forced to put on your gloves, grab a collection tool, and a plastic bag to collect the dead rats.
Aside from that, there might be some blood splotches to clean up. This needs to be done properly, as they pose a health risk to the household. After going through all this, you are faced with the problem of how to safely get rid of the bag - having a dead and decaying rat in your dumpster may bring other kinds of pests. You end the rat infestation with poison only to start a different problem with different pests.
Aside from the stress that comes with cleaning up after a dead rat, what happens if the rat does not eat the pest control company's poison? They can't force the rats to eat it.
When the rats do not eat these poisons, it can harm anything else that comes in contact with it including, children, pets, and other wildlife creatures.
Using rat poison as a method to remove rats leaves you wondering, is such a precarious pest control method worth it?