Providence County, Providence Rat Control Situation:
Looking for a good/reputable rat removal person or company in Providence RI. We hired a guy about a month ago and he hasn't helped us at all, threw $500 away basically. Thanks for any help/advice you can give me. Thanks a lot David for your post on rats. I am an artist with a lot of fragile stuffs around and this crazy rat forced its way into my living room through the ceiling. Pls how best can I get rid of this mad parasite? Thank you.
Hi David, Great website. I am having trouble finding the mice. There is no evidence of them in the living space of the house (feces, urine). However one came up the fireplace through the crawl space and I saw two in there the next day. I proceeded to seal all entries that I could find. Smallest hole at all and I'd seal it. Steel wool or mesh. Placed traps where I saw some droppings in ceiling space and in attic and in crawl space along walls. I baited wooden snap trap with peanut butter, sausages, crackers. None of them have been touched at all and I haven't seen mouse since day 2, 7 days ago. I even left some bait next to the trap and they've not been touched at all. Could they have vacated the building? They've never eaten from our kitchen that I've noticed. Not sure where and how to set more traps. Thanks for any advice.
Hey your article on rats and thought I'd contact you....think I have rats in my attic.....rat terds are visible, but don't hear any rats running around.....since I don't crawl around in attics anymore, can you recommend someone in the Providence Rhode Island area that is competent and reasonable?
I have a beautiful vine-like plant growing in my patio. What can I do to keep mice/rats away from it? I don't want to remove the plant. Do you have any suggestions?
Providence Rat Control Tip of The Week
What Is The Natural Diet Of The Black Rat And Norway Rat?
Black Rat
The black rat (in many cases called the ship rat) has a smooth and incredibly long tail that is longer than its head and body. Romans were the ones who brought this species to Britain. The color of the black rat fluctuates from dark to grey-brown. When compared with brown rats, these creatures have little bodies and bigger ears and eyes. Black rats are amazing climbers. They are fit for running along phone wires, utilizing their tails to adjust while moving. The species is additionally called 'rooftop rat' due to building their homes high in rooftop spaces.
Black rats are viewed as omnivores and eat a wide scope of foods, including seeds, natural products, stems, leaves, fungi, and an assortment of invertebrates and vertebrates. They are generalists, and as a result, not picky on their food choice, which is demonstrated by their propensity to benefit from any meal given to cows, pigs, chickens, felines, and dogs.
Norway Rat
The main thing to know is that, regardless of the name, the Norway rat isn't really from Norway. It is believed that the name originated from a man named John Berkenhout, a British naturalist, who concluded that the brown rats had migrated to the UK from Norway. Present-day researchers think that this type of rat actually originates from China. They showed up in the British Isles most likely transported via ships and goods.
When they got to the UK, be that as it may, they immediately multiplied and set up for business there. That is the reason they are otherwise called the common rat, the road rat, the sewer rat, or the brown-colored rat.
Norway rats will eat pretty much anything. If they get inside, they'll search in your kitchen cupboards and pantries. Specifically, the rats are looking for meat and even fish; however, they will also feast cheerfully on dry dog food. When they discover the food, they will eat and eat, glutting themselves on what they find, and if they smell food, they'll chew through plastic, lead pipes, wood, and anything else to get there.