Raleigh Rat Removal and Rodent Control

The best rat removal company in Raleigh, NC is Attic Rat, Inc. This is because Attic Rat is not a traditional pest control company or exterminator. They are an animal removal company that specializes in rodent control. Rats and mice are not like insects, but most Raleigh pest control companies treat rodents like insects - they use poison. Poison is a stupid and even harmful way to treat a rodent infestation. Poison will never kill all the rats, and the process is never-ending, with never ending invoices. Attic Rat does rat removal the correct way, with PERMANENT results in as little as a week. Once you hire them, you'll never have to see them again. See their year 2021 prices below. This is the process:

  1. Inspection of the entire house, in the attic and top to bottom, including roof
  2. Identification of all rat entry holes, and sealing them shut with steel repairs
  3. Trapping and removal of 100% of the rats inside the home or building
  4. Cleanup of rat feces and odor, and repair of rat damage such as chewed wires


Location: Raleigh, NC

Phone: 919-443-9712

Email: Raleigh@attic-rat.com


Wake County NC has a documented rodent problem, which is not uncommon in many parts of North Carolina. If you need to get rid of rats in the attic or a building in Raleigh, you want a wildlife control specialist to do the rodent removal work correctly. Call Attic Rat at 919-443-9712, and describe your rat or mouse issue, and they will be able to give you a quote and schedule a same-day or next day inspection to solve the problem.

  • Fully North Carolina licensed and insured
  • Professional Service
  • Competitively Priced
  • Same-day or next-day service
  • We answer our phone 24/7/365
Check our year 2020 prices in Raleigh

Our Prices:

Small Job: $249 + This is a simple job on a small house in good condition and not too many rats, with only 2-3 service visits necessary and minimal cleanup

Medium Job: $499+ This job is a larger house, with more repairs, more rats, more service visits, more cleanup necessary

Large Job: $1000+ Some jobs are extensive, and require significant repairs to the building, many service visits, extensive cleanup work, etc.

Attic Rat Cost

Wake County, Raleigh Rat Control Situation:

How can I tell if I have rats or mice hanging out in my walls/attic? We haven't found any signs of anything getting into the main part of the house, but every once in a while we hear them scurrying around in one spot. We only hear them in the evening, and we haven't heard them very often (tonight is the first time I have noticed them in two weeks, but I'm also not home every evening). First we thought it was mice, but I am starting to worry that they might be rodents nesting for the winter. I checked outside and couldn't find any visible entry points, nor any footprints on the roof. I also looked under the roof overhang on that side of the house and there are no holes there. I can't tell if I am hearing squirrel chirping or mouse squeaking--it's almost a squeak-like chirp (real helpful, I know). If we can't find any holes for them to get in, it makes me think mice, but if we haven't seen any signs of them in the house and only hear them in one spot, it makes me think squirrels. Whatever it is has had access to this spot for quite some time, so if they are rats, I think we need to act ASAP, as per the damage reports I've seen on websites. Any and all advice you have to diagnose what we are dealing with would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for your help! - Kristin

My response: Sounds like mouse or rat activity to me. Squirrels are active in the daytime, and people usually hear a lot of morning noise. If you inspect the attic, you can tell by the droppings left behind.

Raleigh Rat Control Tip of The Week

What Are Some Rat Diseases That Can Affect Humans?
One of the biggest concerns of countries and cities suffering from plagues of rats is the many diseases they cause. Many lethal diseases have been caused by these pesky rodents and more and more places are being exposed to rat diseases.
Rats are carriers of numerous pathogenic microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, parasites, and other types of infectious agents, which can be transmitted through different parts and secretions of the rat; its tissue, saliva, urine, and feces.

How Can Rats Infect Humans?
Rats can transmit diseases through their skin; contagious infections that could be fatal in the skin of the affected person.
Through their saliva, rats can transmit a great number of viruses, bacteria, and infections, both internally and externally. That is why it is essential to go to a doctor if a rat bites you.
Rat urine and feces are among the most dangerous carriers of infection. They carry the most viruses and diseases which, if not treated in time, could have serious consequences for the health of the infected person.
The importance of being alert to the first sign of rats on your property is critical to your family's health. Not only your children and family but also your pet, as they could be exposed to even more infections and diseases that are deadly if not treated in time.
Some of the symptoms that could appear after a rat bite are:
  • Chills
  • Fever
  • Dizziness
  • Muscular ache
  • Breathing difficulty
Some of these symptoms are just a preview of a serious illness caused by constant exposure to rats. Some of these diseases include meningitis, gastrointestinal and respiratory problems, bubonic plague, toxoplasmosis, salmonellosis, internal parasites, among others.
Keeping your family out of harm's way should be a priority. When you first see a rat, you should do something about it; either hire a pest exterminator or set traps throughout the house yourself.