San Bernardino Rat Removal and Rodent Control

The best rat removal company in San Bernardino, CA is Attic Rat, Inc. This is because Attic Rat is not a traditional pest control company or exterminator. They are an animal removal company that specializes in rodent control. Rats and mice are not like insects, but most San Bernardino pest control companies treat rodents like insects - they use poison. Poison is a stupid and even harmful way to treat a rodent infestation. Poison will never kill all the rats, and the process is never-ending, with never ending invoices. Attic Rat does rat removal the correct way, with PERMANENT results in as little as a week. Once you hire them, you'll never have to see them again. See their year 2021 prices below. This is the process:

  1. Inspection of the entire house, in the attic and top to bottom, including roof
  2. Identification of all rat entry holes, and sealing them shut with steel repairs
  3. Trapping and removal of 100% of the rats inside the home or building
  4. Cleanup of rat feces and odor, and repair of rat damage such as chewed wires


Location: San Bernardino, CA

Phone: 951-666-2555



San Bernardino County CA has a documented rodent problem, which is not uncommon in many parts of California. If you need to get rid of rats in the attic or a building in San Bernardino, you want a wildlife control specialist to do the rodent removal work correctly. Call Attic Rat at 951-666-2555, and describe your rat or mouse issue, and they will be able to give you a quote and schedule a same-day or next day inspection to solve the problem.

  • Fully California licensed and insured
  • Professional Service
  • Competitively Priced
  • Same-day or next-day service
  • We answer our phone 24/7/365
Check our year 2020 prices in San Bernardino

Our Prices:

Small Job: $249 + This is a simple job on a small house in good condition and not too many rats, with only 2-3 service visits necessary and minimal cleanup

Medium Job: $499+ This job is a larger house, with more repairs, more rats, more service visits, more cleanup necessary

Large Job: $1000+ Some jobs are extensive, and require significant repairs to the building, many service visits, extensive cleanup work, etc.

Attic Rat Cost

San Bernardino County, San Bernardino Rat Control Situation:

Hi. I hired a Pest Control Company in San Bernardino on Feb 14, 2012 to come out and find what was going on in my walls behind my pillows where I sleep. I mentioned it first to my neighbor and told her that it sounded like birds making a nest and this awful chirping/screeching noise at night when I went to bed. It was very hard to sleep and after speaking with her, and her telling me that it might be roof rats, I called the Pest Control. They came out and inspected the property, went in the garage, walked the perimeter of the house, went into the attic, went into the walk in basement and found no droppings anywhere. He put 6 bags of poison in the basement and 6 bags in the attic. He hope that this would get them as he told me that they eat the poison and then go out to get water and they will die. This cost me $125.00 which I felt was fair as he was here over an hour. He said he would be back in on March 5th to see what had transpired as it takes that long for the rats to feel comfortable eating the bags of poison and go out and die. While waiting this period of 3 weeks, the noise never stopped and the rats were still alive and had eaten none of the bags of poison in either the attic or basement.. I called to tell him this and he took some of the poison and put it in a hole in the roof line where the gutter is and hoped for the best. He said he would be back to put all screening on anything that looked specious on March 19 and did so. He deodorized the attic and crawl space and sealed the structure/holes vents, wherever he thought they might be getting in...............He then put 2 live traps in the basement and the attic and would be back in a week. He charged me $460.00 more for this service. One week later, March 26th he sent another man to check out the live traps.................NOT TOUCHED. He put 2 sticky traps in the garage up high so the dog wouldn't get to them. It is now April 10 and they have travelled from my bedroom wall to the office wall that backs up to my bedroom wall. I hear them in the morning and even in the early evening. It is like they are on some kind of treadmill, right above the heater vent on the bottom of the wall. It isn't as noisy as it was, but then they are in the office wall now and not above where I am sleeping. He gave me a 24 month guarantee................but, I don't know what to do as I really didn't want my walls ripped apart to get to them...............and there are no droppings anywhere. He tells me they have to go out to get water.........but he screened any holes he saw, and was on the roof also. SO HOW ARE THEY GETTING WATER?? CAN YOU HELP ME? Thanks Sandy

San Bernardino Rat Control Tip of The Week

How Deep Do Rats Dig Holes Or Burrow Under Houses?
Asides from being a very smart animal with a high sense of adaptability, rats are keen diggers. With their dexterous paws and strong teeth, they can chew through plastic, wood, and even aluminum. This clearly shows how much of a good digger these rodents are. Also, if you have holes around your house, these rodents might be responsible for creating them.
Maybe you have rats digging holes or burrows under your house and you have always wanted to know how deep these holes are. The fact is these excellent diggers can dig holes as long as 3 feet and as deep as 18 inches. This digging skill allows them to create deep burrows and holes under your home
Due to their smart nature, rats don't just dig burrows and holes blindly. They dig with plans and prepare for the worst-case scenario by creating one or two exit points apart from the entry hole, in case they are attacked by a predator. Therefore, if you see a rat hole or burrow around your house, you must look around to find its exit hole. Unlike the entry hole which is usually clean and free from dirt, rats usually use thatches of grass to conceal their exit holes. This simply means you have to look around carefully to find it.
While examining these holes and burrows, you need to be very careful and avoid moving too close to it. Snakes or any other harmful animal could also be inhibiting the hole. If you have to dig in the hole or make close contact, make sure you are well protected.