Ramsey County, St. Paul Rat Control Situation:
Good Morning David, I just don't know what to do. I can't afford humdres of dollars to pay someone to rid my attic of RATS. My Mom paid a company over $400.00 a couple of years ago to rid her attic of RATS. The company lied to us. My Mom and I didn't realize until a few months later when a friend of my son went up in the attic and found that there was NOT severe rodant damage as the men had stated. They told my then 76 year old Mother and me that the attic was infested and all the Christmas decorations in the attic had been destroyed. Said there was so much rodent droppings and pee and that all boxes with the Christmas decorations were destroyed. We asked him to take the boxes down but they hever did. This is why this friend of the family came over and inspected the attic and took down all the boxes. NONE of the boces were even touched and looked like new. The decorations inside were untouched by the rats. These men lied to us. Now we find it difficult to trust anyone. Yes there were a few rat droppings but nothing to the point that these men had told us. He knew that my Mother and I would never venture up the attic. So how do I get a honesst company in Central FL, do you have anyone you can recommend? Thanks in advance, Cathy
St. Paul Rat Control Tip of The Week
The Proper Way To Clean Rat Feces Out Of Your Attic
If you already know the dangers of having rat feces in your attic and coming in contact with it, you are most likely going to get scared and confused about how to clean it. When it comes to cleaning rat feces, you can't afford to do it the wrong way. Refusal to follow the due process might cost you more of what you are trying to prevent.
Since rat feces is a major carrier of bacteria and other disease-causing organisms, the first thing you need to do when planning to clean out the feces from your attic is to protect yourself appropriately. To do this, you need to start by ventilating your attic for as long as possible before entering. By doing this, you are simply expelling the contaminated air and allowing fresh air to go in. This protects you from breathing air that is contaminated with rat feces while in the attic. Also, you need to have equipment such as a facial mask, gloves, plastic bags, and a strong disinfectant in place before going ahead to clean your attic.
Just like every other part of your home, cleaning your attic is not that difficult. Provided you have all the supplies listed above, you will find it quite easy to do. To start, wear your facial mask and gloves properly and carefully pack the feces into the plastic bag. After that, dispose of the plastic bag safely.
When you are done with that, you need to soak the floor of your attic with a disinfectant and then scrub the floor until all the remaining feces are removed. Leave the disinfectant on the floor for 10 minutes to allow it to kill all the pathogens and bacteria deposited by the rat. After doing all this, your attic will be completely pathogen and bacteria-free.
If you find any of these is difficult to do, you can hire a professional to help you out with the cleaning.