Macomb County, Sterling Heights Rat Control Situation:
hello david, my name is Jeff from Oakland County michigan, I recently caught a rat in my garage and I have noticed that I have one , maybe more in the house at the retainer wall in the basement. I found out that they are entering from the garage from the wall, which they ate through and came into the house in another corner of the garage. What would be my first step in getting rid of them. How do I know how many I have? If I cut off the food supply and water will they leave? I noticed that they were going for my dogs biscuts when I found chewed up biscuts in the basement. What is the best way to contain them until I can get them out of my house? What is the best product to use to close off the holes so I don't get any more back? Can they get into the duck work in the house? We have a 1 mth only baby here, what are the precautions to take to ensure her safety? I am going through an inspection tomorrow and closing off any holes I see that is about the size of a quarter. I am doing an attic inspection, what should I look for? Do I have to lift the instilation? I have traps set but haven't noticed any activity by the traps and the poison I put out, is it possibly they left the home? Is there any services that will help since we can't afford a lot and the quote I got was approximately 4500.00? If they are in the basement wall how likely will it be that they go up to the second floor of the house? What do I look for to know whether they were there or not? Any help you can give me I would greatly appreciate it. And if you can get back to me as soon as possible that would be great also. Thank you, Jeff
My response: They won't attack your baby. No way to know how many there are, but it doesn't really matter, the treatment is the same whether there is 1 or 100. You need to use metal flashing or steel mesh to seal the holes shut. $4500 is very high! What company quoted you that? I may know a cheaper company in your area.
thank you think the prob is fixed i took care of the food sourse and closed up all the holes around the house.i also still have traps still set up around the house plus put some stuff around the house outside and the yard that if they smell it or tastes it it detours them so far nothing think it left no noise or activity. think i scared it off.
Sterling Heights Rat Control Tip of The Week
Do Rats Consume Or Like Cheese?
Being an omnivorous animal, rats tend to feed on anything their claws can grab. This feeding habit with no restrictions allows them to feed on vegetables, fruits, meats, grains, and even dairy products. There's however a myth that rats prefer cheese to any other type of food. As a result of this, many people consider cheese as a rat's favorite and will prefer using them as baits whenever they want to trap rats.
This might seem like a very good idea, but the fact is there is nothing in particular that clearly states that rats prefer cheese to other food. Although they do eat it when they have access to it, that doesn't make it the food they like
To help you understand this better and know whether or not rats consume and like cheese we will be taking you through the diet of a rat. With this, we will be able to provide an answer to the question above.
Rats are voracious eaters; all they care about is to fill up their stomach with food. They only become choosy when there is an abundant source of food and several options to choose from. In situations like this, rats will prefer to eat other foods like meat, grains, and fruits instead of eating cheese.
Apart from all that has already been mentioned above, the nutritional value of cheese is low compared to what rats need daily. This simply means that if you keep a rat as a pet, offering it a meal plan that is mainly comprised of cheese is a bad idea.