Mercer County, Trenton Rat Control Situation:
David, I was looking at your website about mice/rat dropping cleanup. We bought our house from a previous owner and the house has a crawl space. The crawl space is insulated in white plastic. The crawl space has a lot of mice droppings, easy to see on the white insulation, and I would like to get them cleaned up but I'm having a difficult time finding someone in the Trenton NJ area that will cleanup the mouse droppings--many services will provide rate control but they don't do the cleanup. Any suggestions in this regard? Couple of other questions: I was thinking about cleaning it up myself but I'm concerned about the virus you can catch by doing so. The CDC has some different suggestions than what you state including: 1) They recommend not vacumming as it can cause the disease in the feces/urine to be airborne. 2) They recommend spraying with a bleech solution but you recommend using Dawn dish detergent first. How would you apply the Dawn to the feces--do you spray a dawn/water mixture first with a pump sprayer? Then, do you spray with a bleach/water mixture after the Dawn? 3) After you use the Dawn and then a bleech mixture, how should you clean it up since it will be wet--wipe up with a rag? Thanks for you help.
Trenton Rat Control Tip of The Week
Can A Rat Be A Good Pet?
Rats are naturally affectionate, inquisitive, intelligent, and playful. So if you know you can keep up with the responsibility of taking care of it, there is no harm in keeping a rat as a pet. Rats are very clean animals, which means you won't have to worry much about it dirtying your home.
Just like other pets, rats are very easy to train. This is due to their high level of intelligence and empathy. To do this, all you need is a dedicated trainer with a good portfolio on how to train rats. When you have that in place, you can easily call your pet rat and it will respond to you. There is even some well-trained rat that can fetch balls when you instruct them to do so.
The most attractive quality of rats is their compassion. When another rat is not in a good state or in distress, you will see other rats rally round the rat in distress and show compassion and empathy in their little way. This particular quality is only common with humans and other few animals.
Also, when rats get accustomed to their owner, they tend to create a long life bond. Due to their level of intelligence, pet rats recognize the sight and voice of their owners and will respond accordingly when they hear or see their owner.
The only sad thing about keeping rats as pets is that they are short-lived compared to other pets like dogs and cats. But you will enjoy the little time you get to spend with them.
If you wish to keep a rat and have a pet, you can go ahead to do that. Rats can make a good pet if you are ready to provide all the care they need.