New Haven County, Waterbury Rat Control Situation:
Hi David - I just read your article on rat/mice removal using the DIY approaches. We are currently looking for a professional to come to our home asap, in the meantime I wanted to get your recommendations for the clean-up inside our home, not the attic. Is it ok to use a household vacuum cleaner? I found droppings our master bedroom closet and wanted to vacuum the entire area and other closets as well, but was unsure of the potential issue of contaminating my vacuum cleaner. If a vacuum cleaner is not a good option, could you recommend an alterative tool to clean floors/carpeted areas where 1) Droppings have been seen and/or 2) just general clean-up in the same area. Thanks for your time. Angie
Hi, Im having mices problem in this house. We just moved here two month ago but appeared there micies here. I tried covered holes and try keep house clean but it hard when kids around espically my stepson eating in his bedroom during late nite time not knowing. I cannot stand it no more mices runnin around here during nite time more than daytime. I need ur BIG HELP. Im Crystal dale and im using my fiance's email as u noticed it Benny. I dont care the price but just get rid of them and make sure mices never comes back otherwise we have to move out, it the safe of my children and two dogsl. I do not want it spread ! Otherwise i will have to MOVE!
Waterbury Rat Control Tip of The Week
City Subways And The Presence Of Rats
Rats, like pigeons, badgers, and foxes thrive in urban environments, even moving to these places. Cities are full of garbage dumps, abandoned lands, and sewers that can provide a cozy burrow for rats to live in and raise their families. Human beings have provided the perfect conditions for the well-being of this species.
Sewers And Rats
Sewers can provide everything needed for an exponential multiplication of rodents. The problem is that the more rats there are, the more they need food, so to get it they will be severely aggressive towards each other. This aggressiveness and the search for new food sources can cause serious damage to the city.
Rats Are The Real Infection
These rodents are known for carrying bacteria that cause infectious diseases leading humans to death. Something similar occurs with rats when they spread through sewers, subways, garbage dumps, and train tracks.
Rats survive thanks to the mountains of garbage in the city and play a vital role in reducing this waste. However, wiring or holes and infrastructure problems can be just some of the catastrophic consequences for the city's subway system.
Humans love junk food and in big cities, high-calorie garbage has given the rats that eat it the energy they need to grow exorbitantly even creating resistance to some rat poisons.
The well-being of citizens begins with professional pest control combined with a mind-set of not throwing garbage into the environment. Briefly, if there is neither food nor garbage, there are no rats. The fewer rats there are in places like the subway, the fewer rats will be able to reach homes. The more we take care of the city, the fewer health problems or economic damage there will be.