The humble rat is actually known by a whole host of names, dependent on what part of the world that you're from. Also known as street rat, common rat, sewer rat, Norway rat, wharf rat, Norwegian rat, and even Hannover rat, the brown rat is one of the most common animals found across the glove, although their origins were meant to have started in Mongolia, Northern China, and other parts of the plains of Asia. It was during the Middle Ages that they were believed to have come to Europe, but it is believed that they started to spread after the black rat, another rat you may come across in your home.

In order to successfully get these clever creatures out of your home, you'll need to do things in a very specific order to ensure it all goes to plan.
1. To start with, you'll need to perform a very thorough inspection of your home. You should make sure you have identified every single crack, crevice, hole, or spot of damage. These are what could be leading the rats right into your home and a number of other wild animals too.
2. You will then need to seal up those holes. There is no point in doing anything else – laying traps included – until you are sure that nothing else can get inside your home. If you don't perform this sealing process, the rats will keep coming thick and fast. The urine and feces of these rodents contain pheromones that will attract other rats.
3. Once all holes have been successfully sealed, and you will need to do your research when it comes to picking the right materials, it's time to start laying traps. Rats can chew through almost anything you might put in front of it, with the exception of strong metal. The traps you use will need to be strong and reliable lethal snap traps, because live cage traps are a pointless method. Relocated rats seldom survive in the wild. Lethal snap traps will kill the rat immediately, getting rid of the problem, and also providing the most humane method.
4. You will need to check the traps you have set regularly, once you have made sure you are placing them in the right positions and places. You should identify the most visited areas of your home – those are the areas in which you should lay your baited snap traps. If you have caught a rat, you will need to dispose of it immediately, making sure you also remove the nesting material, as well as any other materials the vermin has come into contact with. These creatures spread a wide range of diseases that you are not going to want being spread around your home.
All of these stages – these are before you get to the damage that rats will have caused within your home, and that can range into the thousands of dollars if you have left the problem for a long period of time. This is often the case, as homeowners generally do not check their property on a regular basis.
Taking into consideration all the steps that are necessary in order to successfully remove your property of a rat infestation, we would always advise seeking professional advice. Do yourself a favor – call in the professionals. It'll save you time, effort, stress, money, and a whole truck-load of hassle!
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Should I hire a pro, or remove rats myself?

Rats can do a lot of damage to your home if they are left alone long enough. Damage can include weakening the structure of your home or building, as well as, chewing on wires. If you noticed a rat problem, you need to get rid of it but can you do this yourself or should you hire a pro to remove them for you?
You can choose to remove the rats yourself however, you may not be able to kill the animal or you may not want to remove the animal from a trap. If you have a physical or medical condition that will prevent you from taking care of the rat problem yourself, you may have no other choice but to hire a professional.
The Problem with Rats
The problem with rats is that they are smart, regardless of what you may think. They can learn behaviors that will provide their basic living necessities. When they make a home inside your house or building, they quickly reproduce. While raising their family, they will search for food and water. They will also tear and chew on material things within the home, causing damage.
Cost of Removal
The cost of rat removal from your home can be very expensive. The price of the removal will depend on factors such as:
- How many rats need to be removed
- The size of the rat nest
- Where the nest is located
- Method of removal
- Follow up visit
The cost of rat removal could be expensive, however, when you consider what diseases these animals can carry into your home and what damage they can do, the cost of hiring a professional may not seem so bad. Sometimes home insurance companies will require that if you hire a rat removal pro, you must hire an expert company to do the work in order for it to be covered under your policy or to meet the regulations and requirements of your insurance policy.
Before Hiring a Rat Removal Pro
When you are ready to hire a rat removal pro, there are a few things that you need to consider. The main reason for you to be calling this type of professional to begin with is because you noticed a rat in your home. Once you see the first signs, you need to contact a professional immediately in order to reduce the long-term damage that a rat or colony of rats can do.
Here are a few tips to help you hire the right rat removal pro:
Tip #1: Are they licensed? First ask for their certification, license, or permit and take the time to check and verify all information.
Tip #2: Hire a company that is bonded and insured. This means that if there are any issues, they can cover them on their own. Being bonded usually means that the company is a professional company and can handle issues should they come up.
Tip #3: Ask the company for references. If they are a reputable company, they will gladly give you some contact information so you can verify their company, the services they provide, and more.